Miller Air Conditioning
HVAC Service Firm in Birmingham Moved from Exchange to G Suite
Like many small businesses, Miller Air was hosting its own internal Exchange email system for numerous years. But after confronting a worsening storage space crunch along with numerous technical problems, Miller Air needed to carve out a proper path forward. Management reached out to FireLogic to have a multi-pronged discussion about existing issues and what up-front along with ongoing costs would be entailed with all options on the table.
After considering all critical variables, a mutual decision was made to migrate to a modern system that reduced internal reliance on aging hardware. Google G Suite was chosen as the platform to take over for company-wide email, and FireLogic crafted a migration plan that allowed for minimal downtime and assurance of a clean data move.
Post-migration, we provided hands on administrative training on platform management to internal IT staff that was recorded and available for later review. A proper Q&A was also delivered to address any post-move concerns that arose.
By the end of the project, over a dozen users were successfully transferred from legacy Exchange into Google’s G Suite cloud. Miller Air gained considerable new functionality due to the new system, from unparalleled mobility to webmail ability and 24/7 support from Google’s support apparatus. Going forward, Miller Air continued to leverage FireLogic engineers for as-needed support and training related to G Suite administration.
Project Goals:
Miller Air was faced with a dilemma: patch and repair a failing Exchange server, or make an outright move to the cloud. It needed a partner with the expertise to make a judgment call on which direction to go, considering budgetary and functional needs from the perspective of a leading HVAC service firm.
Solutions Involved:
- Hosted Email
- Customized Training