Mr. Floor Companies
Kitchen & Flooring Firm With a Focus on Mobile IT & Security
When Mr Floor approached FireLogic for IT help, it was an SOS that was years in the making. The scope of the problems at hand were staggering and systemic, and worst of all, affecting day to day operations all the way from the back office down to the customer facing sales team. Management gave FireLogic a very simple directive: come up with an IT master plan to clean the mess up, with a strong focus on long term reliability & sustainability.
Our team got right to work, assessing the breadth of all IT systems in play; how all parts of the business interfaced with these platforms; and the age of all existing technology. After auditing the entire IT infrastructure, we created a phased multi-part cleanup proposal that addressed all servers, the entire network backbone, in-office computer systems, and mobile technologies.
Fast forward to today, and Mr Floor has an IT layout that is a showcase of the benefits of a Hybrid infrastructure that relies heavily upon both on-premises and cloud platforms. All sales staff are equipped with smartphones and Microsoft Surface tablets which allow for hyper mobile computing with secure access to all on-premises systems. Redundant servers were consolidated onto a single master server without any heavy investment in unneeded new server hardware. And two distinct offices had their network backbones overhauled top to bottom, with bleeding edge firewall, access point, and switching hardware. Numerous critical aspects of the IT infrastructure were offloaded to best of breed cloud vendors, including Office 365 for email and RingCentral for hosted VoIP.
The investment in cleaning up and consolidating IT systems has allowed Mr Floor to benefit from the peace of mind that comes from unmatched reliability and uptime for its entire workforce. Matched with a full Managed Support plan from FireLogic that oversees all day to day support and IT platforms, Mr Floor management no longer has to play “IT Guy” and can focus on what matters most: Delivering quality kitchen and flooring solutions to their customers.
Project Goals:
Mr. Floor wanted to modernize its entire IT backbone, all the way from the network closet to the device mix being used in the field by sales staff. Uptime, reliability, and security were all top of mind factors. In addition, the company needed ongoing Helpdesk support for all staff.
Interior Design
Solutions Involved:
- Hosted Email
- Hosted VoIP
- Network Infrastructure
- Server Infrastructure
- Mobile Computing
- Security Virtualization
- Disaster Recovery & Backup
- Customized Training
- Managed IT Support
- Virtualization
- Remote & Onsite IT Support