How to find new free Kindle books daily

We’ve been busy the past few weeks helping out Park Ridge Public Library patrons get their new Kindles and other e-readers setup. The Christmas season was busy with Santa delivering the new hot devices to more than a few residents’ homes! No matter how great the Kindle may be as a reading device, it’s useless without any great content. And when we say content, we mean books of course! There are many options for acquiring reading material on the Kindle.

The most convenient option for new content is the easiest one to access – the built in Kindle store, run by Amazon. There is a very large selection of content, mostly paid, that you can opt to purchase. There are magazine subscriptions available as well, with newspapers being offered too.

You can also opt to rent material from the local library, and we’ve been helping local Park Ridge patrons get their devices working on the Library’s Overdrive selection. This is the collective digital “library” that a scattering of north suburban libraries have worked together to build and offer to their respective patrons.

However, you can never beat free, and that is just what this next website provides. We stumbled across the Kindle Nation Daily blog just a short time ago and to our surprise, it offers a very concentrated and accurate listing of the daily free Kindle books that are released for consumption by Amazon. The number of titles released every day tends to range from 3 to 6 roughly, and there is always something for everyone. Amazon is not as public with pointing Kindle users to the free content, but Kindle Nation Daily is a great place to visit if you are itching for some quality free content through the Kindle store.

We tried to find the RSS feed for the website but it doesn’t seem to offer one. However, if you are on your Kindle daily anyway, you may be interested in the official blog feed which costs $0.99 but is delivered directly onto your Kindle over Whispernet. That may be the easiest way to keep abreast on your new daily content.

If you are still interested in getting help with your Kindle or Nook device, FireLogic staff will be present at the Park Ridge Public Library’s final E-Reader Setup Day on Jan 28, 2012 from 2-4pm. We will have numerous staff members onsite in the 3rd floor computer lab providing hands on assistance, and can answer any questions you may need tackled. See you there!