The Top Ten iPhone Games

Gaming has gone mobile, and smartphone users have no shortage of gaming options for turning their devices into handheld consoles. reports that consumers spend four times as much on games from Google Play and the App Store than they do on games for handheld systems like the Nintendo 3DS. Apple’s iPhone is the most popular smartphone turned gaming console, and its App Store is filled with hits.
“Angry Birds”
The App Store is full of high-performance graphics and complex plots, but it took birds flying into pigs to create a cultural phenomenon. If you haven’t heard of “Angry Birds” by now, you must have just been living removed from civilization for the last few years. As of March 2012, “Angry Birds” had 1.7 billion combined downloads, and that number has only gone up. If you don’t have cable, you might want to head and sign up. “Angry Birds Toons” is now playing on your TV. ($0.99)
“Injustice: Gods Among Us”
Long-time gamers remember one-on-one fighting games “Mortal Combat” and “Street Fighter.” This classic format is back with “Injustice: Gods Among Us.” IPhone users can unlock a huge roster of DC Comic heroes and villains. Choose your character, win your match and advance to the next level. It’s the purest form of gaming. “Injustice: Gods Among Us” is one of the most well-made games in the app store. (Free)
Smartphones’ unique capabilities open up a world of possibilities for game developers. One of the best modern mobile games is “Spaceteam,” a cooperative party game that invites players to shout at each other. Players connect their smartphones via Wi-Fi and receive a unique control panel on each level. Unique team instructions appear on the top of each screen, and players must communicate these commands to each other. The first time will be a disaster, but you’ll be hooked. (Free)
Dark and mysterious, “Limbo” is like no other game in the App Store. The entire game, in which a boy tries to rescue his sister, is in black and white. described “Limbo” as “dark, disturbing, yet eerily beautiful.” Fans looking for a serious mobile gaming experience don’t need to look any further than “Limbo.” ($4.99)
“Sonic the Hedgehog”
Sometimes, playing a favorite childhood game doesn’t live up to your memories. That’s not the case with “Sonic the Hedgehog.” In fact, a smartphone may be the perfect platform for this 2D sprint to collect rings and bowl over bad guys. Pick up “Sonic the Hedgehog” in the App Store and you’ll be back in 1995. ($2.99)
“Real Racing 3”
Racing games may have benefited from smartphone processor improvements more than any other game style. “Real Racing 3” is the latest and greatest racing game for iPhone. Choose from more than 50 detailed cars, including Porsche, Lamborghini and Audi. Pocket claims that this racing game “sets the new standard on mobile for racing games.” (Free)
Word enthusiasts can’t resist “Whamble,” a word-scramble game that challenges players to find as many words as possible in a four by four block. Drag your finger from one letter to the next to find words and rack up points. The rounds are two minutes, but it’s easy to spend an hour playing this addicting game. (Free)
“Words with Friends”
Another word game, “Words with Friends” pits amateur linguists against each other in a battle of wits. It’s just like Scrabble but on mobile devices. Look for those triple-word bonuses and save your Qs. You can earn the crown of best wordsmith among your friends. (Free)
“Heads Up!”
Made popular on Ellen DeGeneres’s show, “Heads Up!” is a party game in which a player holds her iPhone up to her head facing out. The phone displays a word and a time, and other players give clues to help the phone-holder guess the word. “Heads Up!” is in the same family of games as Catch Phrase. This inexpensive ice-breaker is great for parties and other social gatherings. ($0.99)
It’s tough to top a classic. “Tetris” remains one of the best video games around, and the iPhone version is fantastic. This arcade classic is a mainstay on the App Store top ten most downloaded games list. “Tetris” for iPhone includes Marathon Mode and Tetris Galaxy, a multi-level mode. ($0.99)
Credit for header image: Apple